Select Best Boarding School

Boarding schools are like hostels. The boarding schools are inside any college or school where they get to study and also live. The boarding school is the other name for the hostel. 

In boarding school, you got to do everything on your own. But some boarding schools offer all the facilities.  

Features of boarding school

  1. Proper timetable - there is everything scheduled. You get breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the specified time, if you are late, you might miss your meal.

  1. Laundry - many boardings have this while many do not. You can give your clothes to the laundry also. Otherwise, you have to wash them on your own. Many boarding schools also give you a washing machine to wash your clothes. 

  1. In and out time - the timing for leaving and entering the hostel is fixed. You can't stay outside the hostel after the hostel timings.

  1. Diary entry - you always have to enter your in and out time before leaving and after entering the boarding school.

  1. Concentrate-boarding schools are built so that students can focus and concentrate on their studies without thinking about anything else. They live far from the house because of this reason only.  

Advantages of boarding schools

  1. Safer environment - many people choose to stay in boarding school because it is a safer option than a pg or a flat. It has rules and regulations which all have to follow.

  1. Disciplined life - there is a fixed timing for everything in a hostel. You have to wake up early. If you don't, you might miss out on your breakfast, which makes you a disciplined person because you started adapting the timetable.

  1. Independent - in a boarding school, you are required to do everything on your own, which makes you an independent person because you learn everything to do on your own.

  1. No distraction - there is no distraction when you are in a hostel. You stay alone, do everything on your own. And distraction is the main reason why you choose to live in a boarding school.

  1. Character building - when you start living alone, you learn so many things that affect your personality also. You become a whole new person when you live in a hostel.

  1. Lifelong friends - you meet people like you who are there only for studies and not for distractions. You meet lifelong friends in a boarding school.

  1. Library - many boarding schools have facilities where you can peacefully study.

  1. Rooms - you can choose a room according to your wish. You can choose a single bed if you want to be alone, double with one person sharing and triple with two people sharing.

  1. Food - you don't have to spend money on food. You get food inside the mess which is included in your monthly rent.

Boarding school may be day boarding or boarding. Day boarding is only for a day. You go in the morning and return in the evening. It is only from morning to evening. 

Boarding is where you pay monthly and you don't return home. 


Boardings are the home away from home. You feel peace, you feel motivated and you develop a confident personality when you live away from home.


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